Alfredo Galaviz

I was born in 1990 in the city of Los Angeles California. Since I can remember, art has been important in my life. I'm a huge fan of what people can accomplish and create with imagination and talent. Witnessing my father paint and draw at a young age made me love art and had inspired me to draw my childhood cartoons as a kid.

My mother always loves taking photos of moments that are meaningful to her, which I believe influenced my appreciation for photography. As I grew older, I've discovered different artists, and learned to appreciate their amazing work and study them. It is incredible what someone can capture with a camera and imagination in post processing.

My beginnings in photography began in 2012. I started to take photos with my phone. I realized I had accumulated more pictures of landscapes, objects, places and photos of friends. With that inspiration, I decided to buy a camera and started taking photos to try to further improve my skills. I started to take portraits of friends and published them on Facebook. As time passed, people began requesting me to take pictures of them, their families, and events.

My first paid job was a 15th birthday party from a friend whose family had seen the photos I had taken of her. I was nervous and excited; I knew I had to deliver my best work because it was a special moment for them. When I gave them the photos and was told they loved them, I was so happy; it felt great! As time passed, more people wanted my services and I decided to create Galacia Photography, now known as Alfredo Galaviz, a place to present my work more professionally. It is a small milestone in my career.

Capturing beautiful moments that cannot be recreated again, moments that are frozen in time and become part of history that's what makes photography so special. I'm way more passionate now than back then. I have learned to find the perfect angle, location, lighting, and have learned to add my own creativity to edit something unique for me. There's is so much to learn still, but I'm exited to learn and improve myself everyday.

I'm so excited to leave a mark, a legacy with photographs and videos that could stay alive with memories for many years to come.

-Alfredo Galaviz (2021)